Charleston Essentials | 4-week Beginner Block


26 Nov 2024


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Muizenberg Methodist Church hall
5 Marchmont Rd, Muizenberg

This 4-week beginner course will introduce you to Charleston: the first-ever global dance craze and a precursor to the lindy hop. It’s great with the hot jazz of the early 20th century as well as with the swinging jazz of the 1930s and ‘40s, and lindy hoppers love to mix it in with all the other rhythms and tricks they have in the bag.

🗓️ Tuesdays, from 5 November
🕰️ 6-7 pm
📍 Muizenberg Methodist Church
📊 Beginner
👥 Clinton & Ruby
🎟️ R130 drop-in / R450 for all 4 classes

 In this course/workshop, you’ll learn some solo Charleston basics and then how to Charleston with a partner – with tips on leading and following as well as some vocab to get you on the social floor.

The complete Beginner series includes the following 4-week courses & workshops:

  • Lindy Hop FUNdamentals
  • Frankie’s Sixes
  • Swing Out Foundations
  • Charleston Essentials

These Beginner courses will be repeated periodically (also as weekend workshops), providing more flexibility on how you’d like to complete them as a whole. Once you’re well-versed in the basics of Lindy Hop, which includes content from all these courses, you’ll be invited to take Improver-level classes/workshops at any of our locations.

Teachers: Clinton & Ruby

No need to bring a partner: we rotate partners in class. Anyone can lead or follow – roles are not gendered.

COST: R130 per person drop-in (pay on arrival with card, SnapScan or cash) or R450 for all 4 classes in the course (pre-pay below or at the venue on week 1 of a block). You can also sign up as a CTS Member and get unlimited weeknight classes (at your level) as well as other discounts. More info on our Pricing page.

PLEASE NOTE: You may join the first class on 5 November; thereafter, the course is closed to first-timers.